Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bumper Sticker as a Form of Expression 10/5/11

Hello! So this morning I was thinking I would write about gays and lesbians opposing each other, and then I saw a bumper sticker on my way to school and I thought, well that topic is going to have to wait. The bumper sticker I saw was similar to the one below:
All I could think when I saw this was, what the hell? Ok it is bad enough knowing that as a homosexual there are so many people that oppose the love that you have for someone, simply because they are the same sex as you, that there are laws all across our country banning you from marrying that person, but then it has to be rubbed in as well? It seems petty and cruel, not to mention this is a form of hate speech. I don't need to be reminded of the fact that, unless I uproot my life and move to one of the very few states that supports gay marriage, I will never be able to marry someone that I love. I don't have that right because there are people that think that allowing people of the same sex to get married intrudes on their rights as a straight couple and somehow belittles that "sanctity" of marriage. Indeed I have even heard someone say, in a college class, "well if we let the gays get married then people are going to want to start marrying their dogs." I was shocked when I heard this, the fact that someone actually thought this is outrageous! Homosexual marriage shouldn't be thought to be hand in hand with beastalilty. Homosexuality is between 2 consenting human beings, as human being we deserve the same rights as our fellow humans, whether they be straight or not. All human beings should be allowed the same rights and no one should be able to prohibit rights or be able to display hate speech against their fellow humans on their cars or houses or otherwise. Its just wrong. That is not to say that heterosexuals are the only ones that display such bumper stickers, I have also seen this little number around:

Although this is funny and I get the message that it is trying to get across, its not helping our cause. Yes maybe its funny and makes us feel a little better but it is doing nothing but creating hateful feelings on both sides. Yes they make bumper stickers that say "Ban gay marriage" but do we, homosexuals and allies, want to sink down to their level? I say no because we are better than that. I am not saying not to display bumper stickers to try to support our cause, what I am saying is that those bumper stickers don't need to be hateful. Bumper stickers like this one are ok.
This is just one opinion and you do not have to agree with me. It is simply something to think about.

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